Back from my Vision Quest and YOU are part of my incorporation!
Day 3 or 4 of my solo fast
Thank you for the thoughts, prayers, blessings, etc.. My time in Colorado attending “Queer Quest” with School Of Lost Borders was incredible beyond words. Thank you for the support. It definitely kept me going during my 4 day solo fast and I am deeply grateful. Met some truly sweet, inspiring, and loving people as well as our amazing guides. I’m holding all these people and experiences deep in my heart as we all work on incorporating back into the tamed/chaos worlds.
Part of how I am incorporating, is by guiding Forest Therapy! This week I guided the Friends Of The Blue Hills in celebration of their 40th Anniversary! Such a great organization that I am now a proud member of as well. Check out Friends Of The Blue Hills!
I will also be guiding a walk with the Emerald Necklace Conservancy’s Green Team this week at Franklin Park.
The Green Team is a youth crew of 30 Boston residents between the ages of 15-18 employed by the city to tend the parks while also participating in nature connection and environmental education programming for 6 weeks every summer. I had the privilege of guiding last years Green Team and it was particularly sweet to just relax with them and enjoy the land that they work so hard maintaining.
On Sunday, August 11th, I will be offering another day-long Forest Bathing Retreat on Peddocks Islands in partnership with Boston Harbor Now! Price includes a roundtrip ferry ride across the harbor and a full day of nature immersion with optional lunch. We had our first one in July and it was an incredible day!
Learn More about Forest Bathing Retreat on Peddocks Island
with Boston Harbor Now
On Sunday, August 25th, I will be out in Stockbridge, MA with Handshouse Studio, an educational organization founded by Rick and Laura Brown who have curated a series of events to engage visitors with their exhibition; “One Impulse from a Vernal Wood.” All events are free with regular admission and set in the woodland walks and gardens at Chesterwood. Rick and Laura are incredible people and their project “One Impulse” is all about turning downed trees into art and working in consort with the environment.
Learn More about Voice Of The Wood: Forest Bathing with “One Impulse”
In June I officially became a trainer with the Association Of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT). It is an absolute honor to be a full fledged trainer with ANFT and I am so looking forward to co-training my next Forest Therapy Guide Training this September at Bethel Farms in New Hampshire. There are still spots available on this training. Interested in becoming a Forest Therapy Guide?
Learn More
This fall, I will be part of a case study on the effects of Forest Therapy on Substance Recovery.
Learn More about Research on Forest Therapy for
Substance Recovery
Keep an eye out for upcoming weekend Forest Bathing walks at The Arnold Arboretum, Boston Nature Center, and Moose Hill this fall. Fall dates coming soon!
Toadstool Walks August Newsletter