The Journeys We Take
As the summer vibes shift into fall focus, I am basking in the glow of a very full and long feeling summer that brought unexpected shifting plans, hardships, forest therapy immersions, outdoor recreating, sweet connections and new challenges.

Nature-based Professional Development
We take this work seriously while also having tons of fun. From deep grief to extreme joy, we are here for it all. We enjoy flipping mainstream definitions of “success” on its head while inviting our cohorts to forge custom guide paths that works for them.

Summer with Toadstool Walks
This summer has been a stormy one. The swollen rivers and fast moving waters have been offering devastating invitations to pivot.

Lets daydream and reimagine a relational future together.
Join me outside in combating loneliness, isolation, stress, and fear. Lets daydream and reimagine a relational future together.

You Matter to the Earth - Spring 2023
Join me this season in re-membering your birthright as a human that belongs on Earth. The magic and wonder is just waiting for our attention and the natural world has so much to offer. Forest bathing is one of the most simple and accessible wellness practices I know of and welcomes every body. Join me this spring. Lets go forest bathing together and share what we are noticing and just coexist in our aliveness.

Back from my Vision Quest and YOU are part of my incorporation!
Thank you for the thoughts, prayers, blessings, etc.. My time in
Colorado attending “Queer Quest” with School Of Lost Borders was
incredible beyond words. Thank you for the support.